Sunday, August 15, 2010

Better day, here's hoping for more to come

Well today has been a rather relaxing day. I slept in for the first time in over a week. I ate great today! Always a daunting task....

I realized today that I hadn't been practicing on opening my jaw as wide as I can like the surgeon told me, so I've been practicing off and on all day and already I can tell the stretches are really working. Of course when I sleep, things get kind of tight again, but I just have to keep with it. I've found that I can open my mouth much wider than I could a week ago and it's making eating much easier!

Cleaning the splint has been tricky. I've found that the curved pressure syringe does nothing. Not even a water pick can get all the food out that sometimes gets stuck. Never fear though, I've discovered the gum stimulator! This is great and it's able to get into my splint and help pick food out. A lot of the other products on the website I think would help in the same way. I think you can get most of these products at your local store too, so don't think you need to buy online. If you're having trouble with this like me, I do hope this helps!

I've got some updated photos for today. I'm not wearing any make up and my hair looks like shit but hey the swelling continues to go down! And no smiles....I find that it's hard to show you guys how the swelling is going down when I'm all smiles.....but once I get the splint off in a few weeks believe me, I'll be all smiles! Also, you may notice the incision site on my profile shot. It's so tiny! Hard to believe they were able to get in and do all that work and leave such a small scar! Hopefully it starts to fade though.


  1. Hey Sarah-
    Just read your posts from yesterday and today...gosh, totally feel like we are walking in the same shoes! I've been up and down it seems like every other day every fricking week, I really just wanna be healed, completely. I'm like at 95% back to normal life, and the last 5% is just draggin on and on and on. Ugh.

    BUT, I'm not sorry I chose to do this, and I hope the same for you. I/we gotta just dig down deep and push on. Do what you gotta do to move on, and count the little victories. It's the only choice we have at this point in the game. It's gonna be completely over before we know it, and by golly it's gonna be worth it!!! ;)

    Really glad to hear you had a better day today! Hang in there! Oh, and, you don't need makeup sweetie, you are beautiful!


  2. Sarah,

    So glad to hear you're feeling better! I have a feeling the ups and downs are a normal side effect of the procedure -- but I bet (hope) it's all worth it in the end!

    Yeah, they told me the same thing about the tongue thrusting when I was younger. It actually kind of annoys me because I feel like I could have fixed this years ago had they told me what really needed to be done. It always seemed like they were blaming me for tongue thrusting (as if controlling how you swallow is easy after doing it for so many years!). Anyhow, it's comforting to know they were wrong, and that no amount of tongue thrusting exercises could have fixed it. Just wish they had done their jobs better.:)

    Keep up the great recovery. It looks awesome!!!


  3. Here's to pushing on! Thanks guys :)
