Thursday, July 22, 2010

I made it through!

I look a lot scarier than I feel. I am wearing an ice back, my hawaiian jaw bra and a ventilator to help me breath. I haven't really been having any breathing problems. They have been giving me a breathing treatment every 4 hrs an that has really helped.

I have already been able to get up a couple time and walk to the restroom....I didn't want the catheter in, super uncomfortable!

My jaw has been slightly tender but I haven't really had any pain....I have been able to push my pain button every 10 min to get a little morphine. The only thing I'm really struggling with is swallowing. My throat is very sore from the surgery. Hopefully this goes away soon.

I only had one moment where I felt like I was getting nauseous and they took care of that right away for me.

My family took some more photos for me on their phones but I'll try to take some more of myself in the next few days! I caught a glimpse of how the surgery changed my nose and it looks really cute! It's hard to tell with the profile just yet, but once the jaw bra comes off I'll really start to see what it all looks like!



  1. Congrats!!! That mask will also help keep your skin and inside of your nose and mouth moist which help make ya feel better too. ;)

    Lookin' good!

  2. Great news! Congrats to you and wishes for a successful and speedy recovery!


  3. YAY! I am so glad to hear you are doing alright!

    The same happened to me- with the nausea. They just shot something in my IV and BAM it was gone.

    Don't worry your throat will get better. I promise. That was my MAIN complaint for the first week. It does get better-especially as the swelling goes down.

    I am so excited for you! :D

    Keep us updated.

    LOVE and Hugs,


    Morphine? be careful. I don't think you can get that out of the hospital can you? I am not sure... but I just took tylenol and motrin from the operating room on. That was all. I am not sure though, make sure to ask.

  4. Thats why they want to switch me to vicodin, cuz that's what i'll be taking when I leave. I'm trying to eat really good meals so I can stomach the drug. I don't think tyenol and motrin will be enough.....even with the morphine there is some pain. I bet in a week though I can switch to those. I'm so glad that I'm getting through this! Day by day. :)

  5. Oh, okay. they tried to put me on vicodin. I refused. I did NOT wanna be all sick. I don't do very well with high pain meds.

    I am glad you are doing well.

    love and prayers coming your way girly!

    stay strong.

