Friday, July 23, 2010

Swelling has gone up

Yuck! I hate it. The doc says that it may keep increasing until tomorrow morning....greattt It's making my face feel pretty tender, no fun. Now i feel like a pumpkin! It's also starting to make my jaw bra feel pretty tight :(


  1. Yeah... I am sorry Sarah to tell you but the swelling does go up up up... for the first 3-4 days... then you will see some improvements. I now how it feels, but it will only get better after day 3. I am praying for you, and a quick recovery.

    love, Makay

  2. Oh, and I completely HATED that Jaw bra thing... I stopped wearing mine after Day 4 before it squeezed my face and made the swelling worse in my lips, and made it VERY difficult to swallow. Doc said if it made things worse then I could just forget it. So I did, and wow, it sure made me feel better!

    just thought I would let you know in case you started experiencing extreme discomfort with it. Jus ask your dr.

    Love, makay

  3. ugh it sucks! It's only getting worse. I can't wait for this to go down. It's giving me headache.
